MCW Grant Program
Eligibility and Criteria
The Grant Program is on pause for the 2024-2025 Season.
In the Fall of 2020, the Musicians Club of Women established a new Grant Program, through which all MCW members may apply for funds to support musical projects advancing MCW’s mission.
The maximum amount available for any grant is $2,500.
Applicants for grants must be members of MCW as of the date of the application and throughout the duration of the proposed project, if funded by MCW.
We continue to request and collect donations for the Grant Program and appreciate your support.
Click here to view our Previous MCW Grant Recipients.
Click here to learn more about the MCW Grant Application Process.
MCW’s Board of Directors established the following criteria for the evaluation of grant applications:
Fundamental Criteria
Supports women musicians
Promotes classical music
Quality of work
Desirable Criteria (in no particular order)
Impact of the project on its target audience
Innovativeness and “freshness” (filling an unmet need)
“Of the times, for the times” (relevance and responsiveness to current challenges in society and in the classical-music world, or current MCW priorities)
For example: lack of live performance opportunities; focus on community engagement; diversity, equity, and inclusion
Additional ways in which the project focuses on or features the work of women (e.g., female collaborators on the project, female composers)
Additional Criterion
MCW funding will have a significant impact on the project’s execution